Record high temperature %recordhightemp% °C Record low temperature %recordlowtemp% °C Record high gust %recordwindgust% mph Record high average %recordwindspeed% mph Record daily rain %recorddailyrain% mm Record low windchill %recordlowchill% °C Record high barometer %recordhighbaro% mb Record low barometer %recordlowbaro% mb Daily high pressure %highbaro% mb Daily low pressure %lowbaro% mb Daily low windchill %minwindch% Daily high heat index %maxheat% Daily high gust speed %maxgst% Daily high average speed %maxavgspd%
Weather Data for !!!Location Here!!!
LAST READING AT TIME: %time% %formateddate% ,Time of next update: %timeofnextupdate%
Current Weather%weathercond% Current Temperature %temp% (%tempinusa%), Apparent temp %apparenttemp% °C
Maximum Temperature (since 0 hour)%maxtemp% at: %maxtempt% Minimum Temperature (since 0 hour)%mintemp% at: %mintempt%
Average windspeed (ten minute)%avtenminutewind% Wind Direction (ten minute)%curdir10minutelabel% (%avdir10minute%)
Windchill Temperature %windch% Maximum Gust (last hour)%maxgsthr% at: %maxgsthrt%
Maximum Gust (since 0 hour)%maxgst% at: %maxgstt% Maximum 1 minute average (since 0 hour)%max1minuteavwind% at: %maxavgspdt%
Rainfall (last hour)%hourrn% Rainfall (since 0 hour)%dayrn%
Rainfall This month %monthrn% Rainfall To date this year %yearrn%
Maximum rain per minute (last hour)%maxrain/minlasthour%/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours)%maxrain/hourlast6hours%/hour
Yesterdays rainfall %ystdyrain% DewPoint %dew% (Wet Bulb :%wetbulb%)
Humidity %hum% % Barometer corrected to msl%baro%
Pressure change %trend% (last hour) Trend%pressuretrendname%
Pressure change (last 12 hours)%pressurechange12hourinmb% mb Pressure change (last 6 hours)%pressurechange6hourinmb% mb
Current Indoor temperature %indoortemp% °C
Current Indoor humidity %indoorhum% %
Current %sunshinehourstodateday% hours of sunshine today, current sky: %Currentsolardescription%
Sunshine hours for the year: %sunshinehourstodateyear% hrsSunshine hours for the month: %sunshinehourstodatemonth% hrs
Current evapotranspiration rate %currentwdet% mm per day. Yesterday's reading %yesterdaywdet%

This page is updated from recent data collected by a !!!Weather Station Type here!!! weather station Use the Reload or Refresh facility on your browser to retrieve the latest data.

Status report of weather station:

Weather report/warning/Metars





The data is logged at two minute intervals, but there is data recorded every minute. Best viewed in 800 x 600 and True colour.

Use the RELOAD facility on your browser to retrieve the latest data. Click here for a daily update of the averages/extremes to date for the month Created by "Weather Display" software version %wdversion% at this start time/date %Startimedate%