Study Outlines 51: Citizenship "We must all strengthen the community in which we live, from a civic and political as well as a religious standpoint. I tell you my brethren and sisters, that when we exercise this kind of faith and courage in behalf of our neighbors as well as our own members we will accomplish a great missionary work in the world. There will be men and women brought to investigate the principles of the gospel because they will see the kind of fruits in us which this gospel has borne. Their doors will be opened to us through our civic activities to preach the gospel of the restored kingdom and to bring the same joy and happiness into the hearts of our neighbors with which the Lord has blessed us all our lives." (Henry D.Moyle, Improvement Era, May 1949, p 330.) During the study of this topic you will learn more about the duty of all men to be good citizens and good neighbors. Resources:
Articles of Faith, chapter 23. Ensign June 1976 Scriptures:
Articles of Faith 1:12"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law." Topical Guide:
Government Guide to the Scriptures: